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Entering money by transfer from card to card

Integration consists in embedding the payment button into the partner's website. When clicking on this button, the following is done sending data to the GarryPay system address.


To ensure security, the data sent must be cryptographically signed.

Rules for using the payment method

1) After the invoice is generated, the payer has 20 minutes to make a transfer of funds and click the "Payment completed" button. If the payer has transferred funds and:

  • did not click the "Payment completed" button.
  • pressed the "Cancel" button
  • did not meet in 20 minutes

then you, as a merchant, need to inform GarryPay support about this.

2) When transferring funds, it is strictly prohibited to indicate any comments on the transfer (unless this is stipulated by the rules of the method). When sending a payment with a comment, it is possible to recalculate such an invoice with a fine deduction of up to 10%.

3) If the payer has sent a transfer for a smaller amount than was indicated in the invoice, he will be asked to pay extra. In case of refusal, we request from the payer supporting documents that the card is issued to him. And we make a refund to the same details minus a fine of 10%.

4) Sending of funds is carried out, if possible, by an intrabank payment. If the payer does not have accounts in the proposed banks, an interbank transfer is allowed (if there is a check).

5) Transfer of funds from electronic payment wallets Qiwi, Yoomoney and others is prohibited (unless it is stipulated by the rules of the method). Such payments will be submitted to arbitration and crediting for them is not guaranteed.

6) If you try to attach fake payment receipts, the payer's account must be blocked.

Integration via payment button

The payment button code should looks the same like:

<form action="" method="post">

Info for the data field is preparing by following (a code example):

"merchant_id": "ef73bed1-2591-4a91-a74e-fe68b4e2e4e0",
"lang": "ru",
"purchase_id": "1eas123",
"user_id": "122",
"amount": "3000",
"currency": "RUB",
"payment_method": "p2p"

Thus the JSON object must translate in string and encode in Base64.

Permissed fields

merchant_idstringrequiredYour merchant's ID
purchase_idstringrequiredUnique Purchase ID
amountstringrequiredAmount in the specified currency (see the limits under the table)
currencystringrequiredThe currency in which pay INR / KZT / UAH / RUB / AZN
langstringenPayment interface language, en / ru
callbackstringundefinedThe URL of the page to which the user is redirected after making the payment

Limits for the amount

INR: 500 - 167500

KZT: 10000 – 2000000

UAH: 100 - 50000

RUB: 1500 – 2000000

AZN: 36 – 900

Code example

import crypto from "crypto";

const data = new Buffer(JSON.stringify({
merchant_id: "ef73bed1-2591-4a91-a74e-fe68b4e2e4e0"
purchase_id: "234-12",
amount: "3000",
currency: "RUB",
lang: 'en',
callback: ''

const hmac = crypto.createHmac("sha256", key);
const sign = Buffer.from(hmac.digest("hex")).toString("base64");


The data is sent by POST request to the URL specified in the merchant's settings

Server IP address, from which requests are received:

Request example

data: 'eyJhY3Rpb24iOiJwMnBfcHJkZXIiLCJkYXRhIjp7ImRhdGEiOnsiYWRfaWQiOjUyMSwiYW1vdW50IjoxMDAsImN1cnJlbmN5IjoiVVNEIiwibWVyY2hhbnRfaWQiOiI5MGYxZDE5OC05MjkzLTQwNjItYjc5NC05NDgxNmM3NWNjODYiLCJjb3VudHJ5IjoicnVzIn0sImVycm9yIjoiTUVSQ0hBTlRBQ0NPVU5UTk9URk9VTkQifX0=',

data - Base64 encoded JSON

sign - data signature

Data authentication

  • Generate a signature using base64 encoded received data and your Secret Key
  • Verify the generated signature with the one received from the request.
  • If the signature matches, the data is authentic, they can be decoded and processed further

Sign generation based on the received data:

//secretKey - Your merchant's secret key
const hmac = crypto.createHmac("sha256", secretKey);
//base64data - Encoded data from the request
const sign = Buffer.from(hmac.digest("hex")).toString("base64");

Operation stages

Each callback in the data object contains an action parameter. Thanks to this parameter, it is possible to determine at what stage the verification / payment process is

p2p_ordercreating an order (at the moment when the user has selected an offer)
p2p_completedthe provider confirmed the receipt of money
p2p_approvedthe trader confirmed the deal
p2p_canceledthe order has been canceled

Example of decoded data

"data": {....the initial data of the request API},
"result": {...query execution result},
"error": "error information, if any"